
What’s new in Hearthstone: Murder at Castle Nathria?

Hearthstone Murder at Castle Nathria

Blizzard announced today Hearthstone: Murder at Castle Nathria, an intriguing detective-themed expansion in which you’ll be investigating the murder of Sire Denathrius.  Set to arrive on August 2, the expansion adds 135 new cards, includnig Legendary Suspects, Location card types (a first ever for Hearthstone), and a new Keyword: Infuse.

The Shadowlands is normally where souls go after they die, so when someone dies in the Shadowlands, that’s a special kind of mystery. Sire Denathrius invited 10 of his counterparts and enemies to Castle Nathria for a dinner party so that he could address the malicious rumors that he is hoarding anima, the life-energy that is drained from tortured souls and used to power the Shadowlands. But just after the festivities started, Sire Denathrius was found dead! It seems a gaggle of enemies does not a good dinner party make. Now the illustrious Murloc Holmes, and his trusty sidekick Watfin, have been called to solve the case. Scour new Location cards, follow the trail of Infused minions, question the 10 Legendary suspects, and help determine who committed Murder at Castle Nathria!

What’s new in Hearthstone: Murder at Castle Nathria?

Location Cards

Hearthstone now allows for the first time ever the representation of specific locations. The main difference between location cards and minions is that they can be used as favorable buffs. They have an ability that can be used every time you have a turn for a strong effect and are initially played at a cost. Each activation has a 1-turn Cooldown and costs 1 Durability.

New Keyword: Infuse

Cards featuring the term “Infuse” in their names sit in your hand and take on the anima of your friendly minions as they perish. When the necessary number of friendly minions perk up while the Infuse card is in your hand, it becomes a more powerful version.

Legendary Suspects

At the time of Sire Denathrius’s death, there were ten suspects living beneath his house. A legendary minion from each class will be the main suspect in Sire Denathrius’s slaying.

Prince Renathal, a neutral Legendary who grants your hero ten more life and adds ten more cards to your deck for a total of 40 HP and cards, will also be given to every player upon login.

Hearthstone: Murder at Castle Nathria pre-purchase options

Pre-Purchase Option 1 ($79.99)

80 Packs, 5 Golden Packs, and 2 random Golden Legendary cards from Murder at Castle Nathria, the Sire Denathrius Warrior hero skin and card back, 10 Mercenaries Packs, and the Sandy Shores Battlegrounds Board.

Pre-Purchase Option 2 ($49.99)

60 packs and 2 random Legendary cards from the upcoming Murder at Castle Nathria expansion, along with the Denathrius card back that you can equip right away.